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A Checklist on 10-Digit Dialing for Businesses

April 19, 2021

Does your business revolve around the phone? If so, make sure you know the latest information on changes and updates with 10-digit dialing.


The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has adopted 988 as a new three-digit number to be used nationwide to reach the National Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Crisis Lifeline, starting July 16, 2022. In order for 988 to work in our 319 area code, 10-digit local dialing must first be implemented. To complete all local calls, customers will need to dial the area code + telephone number. This applies to all calls within the 319 area code that are currently dialed with seven digits.

Beginning April 24, 2021, you should begin dialing 10 digits (319 + telephone number) for all local calls. If you forget and dial just 7 digits, your call will still be completed until October 24, 2021 when you will receive a recording informing you that your call cannot be completed as dialed.

Don’t worry, the following things will not change:

  • Your telephone number, including current area code, will stay the same.
  • What is currently a local call will remain a local call.
  • You will continue to dial 1+ area code + telephone number for all long distance calls.
  • You will still dial three digits to reach certain destinations:
    • 211 (Local support and resources)
    • 511 (Travel and road conditions)
    • 711 (Relay services)
    • 811 (Call before you dig)
    • 911 (Emergency services)

A checklist of what businesses should do leading up to the change:

  1. Beginning April 24th, 2021 have your staff start dialing 10 digits (319 + telephone number) for all local calls. This way they will be used to this new dialing procedure by the required date.
  2. In addition to changing the way you dial local calls, all services, automatic dialing equipment, or other types of equipment that are programmed to complete calls to 7-digit local numbers will need to be reprogrammed to complete calls to 10-digit numbers.
  3. Take an inventory of all devices and phone numbers that need to be reprogrammed, such as fax machines, alarm lines, phone systems and security systems.
  4. Start calling all the vendors involved with reprogramming so you get it done early as they will be busy the closer you get to the October 24th
  5. Be sure to check your website, personal and business stationery, advertising materials, personal and business checks, contact information and other such items to ensure the area code is listed.

South Slope is here to help with this transition! If you have any questions about implementing 10-digit dialing at your business, please contact us at 319-665-5433.

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