Benefits of a Guest Network for your Business
June 13, 2022

When visiting a business, many customers want one thing – to connect to a free Wi-Fi service. Having access to free Wi-Fi improves relationships with customers. It also helps with your network security. Read below our top reasons how having a guest network can benefit your business.
- Improved network security: Allowing visitors to use a Wi-Fi of their own is a key way to keep your information secure and private. Guest Wi-Fi networks help protect your businesses primary network from security threats such as malware that could otherwise spread to other computers on the same network. If a guest brought in an infected device, your primary network and computers will have an additional layer of security.
- Limited Access: With guest Wi-Fi, your customers can stream, game, check their email, and connect to the Internet easily on a secondary network. They don’t have access to your company’s main or primary network, keeping your files, data and personal information safe from intruders.
- Password: You may have a complicated password to protect your businesses main network, but guest networks are easy to use and can be remembered on devices for fast connection. For your guest Wi-Fi, you can create a straightforward password that’s easy to share. This makes it easy to regularly change without impacting all the devices in your business that are connected to the primary network. An added bonus is that you can showcase your brand’s name in the username, making it easy for customers to recognize and connect to.